Tonegan Ltd. currently has more than 30 qualified specialists involved in the development, implementation and maintenance of Tonegan branded products.

The company has three main departments:

Development department – focused on designing and developing software products

Department of Customer Relations, composed of two units:

“Applied Software” specializing in the implementation and support and maintenance of Tonegan software systems.

“System Software and Hardware”, specialized in the design, construction and maintenance of computer networks, administration of operating systems, sale and service of hardware and peripherals

Sales department, specializing in the sale of software products “Tonegan”

The high qualification and professionalism of Tonegan specialists are supported by continuous attendance at courses, seminars and monthly in-company trainings.

Tradition for the company is to expand the number of its partners with specialists who have proven their potential and loyalty.

Hayk Egiкyan
He was born in 1950. in the town of Dobrich.

Graduate of the Mathematical Faculty of the Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski”, specialty “Computational Mathematics”. He has specialized in France on-line systems at the Institute de Programation in Paris. He has worked as a project manager at the Territorial Computing Center in Dobrich and as head of the Specialized Services with Microcomputers in the Microsys. Since 1992 is the manager of Tonegan LTD.

Dimitar Antonov
Born in 1957.

Graduated in Electrical Engineering in Technical University – Varna, specialty Electrical Power Supply and Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises. He worked as a programmer, system administrator and designer at the Albena Resort and in the Mikrosis, the city of Dobrich. He is one of the founders of Tonegan Ltd.

Nikolay Tonchev
Born in 1959.

Holds graduate degree of “Mathematics” from Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski”,. He worked as a programmer and designer at the MicroSys division in  Dobrich. Since 1992 he has been Head of Development Department at Tonegan LTD.

Georgi Georgiev
Born in 1959.

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics at “Paisiy Hilendarski” University in Plovdiv. He has worked as a programmer at the MicroSys, Dobrich. Since 1992 is the chief methodologist for product implementation of TONEGAN ERP and Head of Customer Support Department.